5 Tips For Buying Hair And Beauty Supplies For Your Salon

Getting the right hair and beauty supplies enables you to operate your salon business efficiently and give excellent service to your customers. Consequently, they'll always keep coming back for more hairdos and even reference your salon to their friends. It all starts with finding trustworthy salon supply stores which stock durable and top-of-the-range equipment. You’d also want the appliances to be attractive, given that aesthetics considerably influences some customers' salon preference. With that in mind, here are five tips to help with your purchase: (1)

1. Go to stores with a wide range of stocks

      If your main concern is “the best hair and beauty supplies near me,” look for a well-stocked shop. Purchasing from a complete hair and beauty warehouse ensures you find every supply you may need under one roof. This saves you time as you won't have to hop from one shop to another searching for particular products. Even if you're in search of different hairdressing clips, you can get them in various shapes, designs, sizes and colours. Other supplies you’d want to consider include:

      • Hair styling tools and supplies: Examples are colouring products, metal tail combs, conditioners, cordless clippers, brushes, scissors, and wax.
      • Beauty supplies: Examples are liquid oxidants, tweezer and eyebrow scissor duo, facial masks, lash and brow starter kits, complexion sponge packs and facial wipes.
      • Salon essentials: Examples are reusable gloves, disinfectants, refill bags, mirrors, hairdressing cutting collars, disinfecting jars and salon towels.
      • Salon furniture: Examples are salon and barber chairs, cutting stools, portable basin units, electric beds and black shower heads and hoses.

      The list of these supplies is endless. If you find reliable one-stop stores, you'll get everything you need under one roof. This is convenient for you as a shopper because it saves time and effort. Moreover, with the wide range of products, you can even match the supplies to your salon's interior colour to achieve an aesthetic look. (2)

      2. Consider your salon space

      The floor area of your salon determines the size and quantity of equipment you can have. Therefore, before you begin the purchase of hair and beauty supplies Padstow, have the exact measurements in mind. For best results, plan the layout on paper before ordering any equipment. In doing so, you’ll avoid cluttering your salon with bulky items so that it ends up looking too congested.

      A spacious salon is advantageous, in that it allows easy movement for you and your customers. On top of that, it facilitates adequate air circulation, considering that salons are usually characterised by not-so-pleasant smells coming from the products in use.

      3. Test each supply before purchase

      Most hair and beauty stores allow you to test the functionality of appliances to ascertain that they’re in good working condition. For any equipment that’s new to you and you're unsure about how it works, you could ask the store managers to demonstrate how to use it. This way, you'll have an easier time using it when you get to your salon. You could even take the user manual and walk through the guidelines together with the store assistants on how to assemble the equipment. 

      In line with this, it’s advisable to check the warranties and return policies before purchasing. This gives you an easier time returning a supply if it stops working days or weeks after buying it. Remember, these mishaps happen sometimes for reasons beyond your control. Thus, returning equipment ensures you get a refund of your money or get replacements that are in good working condition. On that note, always consider reputable stores with favourable return policies. (3)

      4. Go for premium quality supplies 

      Quality determines the durability of your hair and beauty supplies. It also ensures you don't have to return now and then to hair and beauty stores to purchase new products because of malfunctions. Some stores stock cheaper equipment, which may be of substandard quality. So, don’t base your purchase decision on price alone.

      Products like blowers and salon furniture need to be of exceptional standards. This avoids the scenario where you have to stop a hairdo session because of unexpected malfunctions. Such inconveniences surely drive away customers. Some may even take it as a sign of unprofessionalism and shun your services for good. 

      Remember, your customers need to feel safe and comfortable whenever you’re working on their hair or beautifying their face. In the long run, they'll leave your salon always contemplating when next they'll be coming in for the same service again or another. Therefore, consider spending a little more and finding long lasting products. Top quality should always be your priority when purchasing salon supplies. 

      5. Compare the prices

      Prices vary from shop to shop and place to place. For instance, you wouldn’t expect hair and beauty supplies Wollongong to have similar prices to hair and beauty supplies Sydney or hair and beauty supplies Smithfield stores. All these cities are of different economic classes, which reflects the prices of goods. Thus, compare prices before you settle for any shop. This goes a long way in helping you save some money and cut business costs, which is the goal of any modern entrepreneur. 

      While on this, check on the discount offers some of these stores may have. If you spend enough time searching, you can never miss them. This could help you save even more, especially if you buy the supplies in high volume. 


      Buying hair and beauty supplies for your salon from reputable stores assures you offer cutting-edge services to your customers. Consider the tips whenever you go out shopping for these supplies. Premium quality products increase your work efficiency and ensure customers are ever streaming into your salon for your exemplary services. That’s the way to keep your business booming all year round.


      1. “Hair Salon Suppliers: Advantages and Disadvantages of Private Labeled Products”, Source: https://medium.com/@sienabluus/hair-salon-suppliers-advantages-and-disadvantages-of-private-labeled-products-68ef3878cfb1
      2. “One-Stop Shop”, Source: https://www.investopedia.com/terms/o/onestopshop.asp
      3. “Small Business Return Policy: Customer Service Tips for Product Return”, Source: https://www.thebalancesmb.com/tips-for-handling-store-returns-2948453